@At first, I believed that, in order to take a good picture, I needed to fight with architecture. But I could not manage to gain a good result by pushing my power forward against it. I tried to remember the time I had felt successful and I realised that I had done nothing but enjoyed the space. Approaching architecture is not easy. It is necessary to recognise the relation between architecture and myself and try to accept it, from where I feel a harmonious tone being created.I then see something different in the architecture, some visions which I would not have noticed otherwise.
"Vision Work", the title of this exhibition, was chosen by Kathryn Findlay. "The vision which a photographer captures, works upon people", "the works which reflect a photographer's vision", "the vision which an architect creates, works upon a photographer"-all of these terms directly express my concepts and I feel that the name, "Vision Works" is most appropriate.
My seven year career would not have been developed without support from architects, editors and so many others who have given me opportunities to photograph. Especially so, when photographing took place overseas. I am most grateful to them. I should also like to extend my sincere gratitude to those who helped me realise this exhibition.
"Vision Works" is my foundation, from which I should continue to develope further, perhaps, beyond the realm of contemporary architecture.

23rd February 2000

Katsuhisa Kida

Special thanks to
Richard Rogers

Thanks to
Kathryn Findlay, Eva Jiricna

Junko Takekawa, Alex Kovaleski , Tamiko Onozawa, Ivan Horbour, Shane Murray
Louisae Forthun, Penny McGuire, Gillian Gould, Tetsuo Oyoshi, Syoichi Okada, Shinya Satoh,
Michi Tanaka, Mariko Shigeta, Takeo Ozawa

(Translation by Junko Takekawa)

Dear Katsuhisa

Exhibition at the Kodak Photo Salon

I have been to admirer of your works for many years. The art of a great architectural photographer is to instinctively capture the essence of a building - its function, form, key elements and meaning.
You clearly demonstrate this skill and we are indebtedc to you for portraying our work with such sensitivity and skill.

With all good wishes for the exhibition.

Your sincerely
Richard Rogers

"Kida san has taken photos of our buildings for almost as long as we have been designing them. We continue to be delighted by his vision of architecture.
He has developed an expressive technique which captures form, space, light and atmosphere in a fresh and powerful way - single every time. His work is admired by many architects abroad, who often ask us who photographs our buildings- our answer is always-Katsuhisa Kida.

Kathryn Findlay

Dear Katsuhisa,
Vision Works
Many thanks for your letter and the news of your exhibition in Japan. It is most unfortunate that we will not be able to join you in celebration of your work, but of course we wish you everything you have done for us has always been brilliant.
We look forward to hearing from you when the opportunity arises,

kind regards


Photograph by Tomohito Ishigo